COVID-19 Update: The Wine Diva is currently offering live online classes via Zoom
Master the world of wine with Christine’s classes
During each class, Christine will introduce you to a world of affordable wines so you can move beyond “the usual suspects” like Cabernet, Chardonnay, and Pinot Noir. She will share advice for finding great values on the wine list and making smart splurges at the wine shop. Plus, she’s full of helpful how-to’s ranging from hosting your own wine dinner, choosing wines for the holiday, to organizing a trip to wine country.
Knowledge means you’ll buy better and order smarter.
Every class includes tasting pours of distinct wines. Don’t worry, Christine will never let you walk out reeling; she will supply a selection of snacks.
Christine offers 11 focused classes. You can pick and choose, or sign up for the entire series.
Price per person, per class:
1-3 classes: $100 each
4-7 classes: $90 each
8-11 classes: $80 each
Booking as a private group: You can book up to nine people total.
Booking as an individual: You can choose to either have a private class, or opt to participate in a group class with other individuals who want to meet up and mingle.
Course Descriptions:
Wine Enjoyment
Participants will learn about the complex aromas and flavors of the six major grape varieties by smelling and tasting a wine, then reaching in the center of the table for samples of fruits, foods and non-food items that remind them of the wine and place them next to that particular glass. This matching exercise will amaze participants with how many aromas and flavors they can discern when they can choose from red, black, white, yellow and green fruits; foods like caramel, butter, nuts, licorice, spices, herbs....as well as non-food items like cigars, grass, moist earth, and dried leaves.
Instant Wine Savvy
Since you probably dine at all kinds of international restaurants you will learn about affordable, distinctive foreign wines that will show off your wine savvy instead of falling back on the “usual suspects” like Cabernet, Chardonnay, and Pinot Noir. You will find out how to get more pleasure from your glass via proper serving temperature, aeration, and glassware.
Sibling Rivalry: California vs. French Wines from the Same Grapes
Discover how different the same grape can taste when the wine is from California and is very fruity, with strong vanilla aromas— compared to France where the wine is subtly fruity, has complex flavors, and just a dash of vanilla. Taste Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Syrah, and compare them to their French counterparts.
Wine Service in a Restaurant
How can you determine when you are experiencing an issue with your wine service, and how do you elegantly work toward a solution? In this class you’ll learn why and how to send back a bottle of wine due to problems with taste or presentation. You’ll also learn how to make a $15 bottle of red taste like you spent $50, and how and why cool down a bottle of red wine in a hurry.
Navigating a Restaurant Wine List
Learn how a wine list is organized, how to work with the sommelier, how to determine the quantity to order for your group, and what to expect with restaurant markups. You’ll learn how to drink better for less, and strategies for smart splurges for special occasions.
Food & Wine Pairing
Learn four simple tips to help you decide in 10 seconds what wine to pick with your meal
How does the cooking method of your food tell you the style of wine to order?
What pairs best with spicy, salty, or smoky foods?
What pairs best with creamy ingredients?
What pairs best with lean versus fatty meats?
Entertaining at Home
Learn all the basics of how to enjoy wine at home, including how to save an opened bottle so it is fresh days later, how to remove red wine stains, how to avoid red wine headaches, and how to organize a wine tasting dinner at home.
12 Tips for Business Entertaining
Plug up any gaps in your wine knowledge with The Wine Diva’s 12 tips that will make you feel more confident, authoritative, and adventurous — whether you are the host at a dinner or a guest dining out with food and wine lovers.
Sparkling Wines From Around the World
Learn the primary aroma and flavor differences of sparkling wines from regions around the world, and the striking similarities and differences between the six wines.
Wines tasted will be Champagne, California sparkling, Spanish Cava, Italian Prosecco, German Sekt and French Cremant.
Six Ways to Drink Better for Less
We are all looking for good values when it comes to spending our hard-earned dollars. Here are six strategies to help you find delicious wines without emptying out your wallet. All it takes is a willingness to experiment with new grape varieties, emerging wine areas, second labels, and satellite areas.
Distinctive Wines made in the USA
Try wines from grape varieties grown in the US that are gaining in popularity like Viognier, Chenin Blanc, Riesling, Cabernet Franc, Petite Syrah and Rhône Rangers.