Program Options:
Wine Dinner
The wine dinner is a three course meal with ten minute presentations between each course. Time is left at the end (during the dessert course), for individual Q&A.
The Wine Diva breaks the ice and creates an interactive wine tasting to help people mix and mingle (30-45 minutes).
Break-Out Sessions
Christine can wake up those glassy-eyed conference goers and refresh their spirits with a lively wine tasting that includes a hilarious pop wine quiz (60-90 minutes).
Team Building
Each team tastes four styles of wine and selects one to launch in the marketplace, then names the wine, designs a label and dreams up ideas for a product launch. Each team presents their ideas to the group and competes for prizes (60-75 minutes).
Popular Topics:
Instant Wine Savvy
Since you probably dine at all kinds of international restaurants you will learn about affordable, distinctive foreign wines that will show off your wine savvy instead of falling back on the “usual suspects” like Cabernet, Chardonnay, and Pinot Noir. You will find out how to get more pleasure from your glass via proper serving temperature, aeration, and glassware.
Sibling Rivalry: California vs. French Wines Made from the Same Grapes
Discover how different the same grape can taste when the wine is from California and is very fruity, with strong vanilla aromas— compared to France where the wine is subtly fruity, has complex flavors, and just a dash of vanilla. Taste Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Syrah, and compare them to their French counterparts.
Food & Wine Pairing – Optional Pop Wine Quiz with Prizes
Banish your “pairing-noia.” Discover four simple, practical tips to be able to pair with flair and confidence. You’ll become a pro at pairing in just 60 minutes. For the pop wine quiz, each table forms a team and competes for high tech, wine-oriented prizes.
Team Building Wine Game: You’ve just bought a winery.....now what?
Humor is the key to winning this competition. Guests seated at a table form a team and compete against all the others. Guests taste three wines, a white, red and a sparkling, and select which wine they want to launch in the US. Each team has 40 minutes to:
Conjure up a name for their new wine
Design and draw the wine label (with art materials Christine supplies)
Write a TV commercial
Each team will proceed to present their wine name, wine label and act out their TV commercial. The winning team receives wine-oriented prizes from the Wine Diva.
12 Tips for Business Entertaining
Plug up any gaps in your wine knowledge with The Wine Diva’s 12 tips that will make you feel more confident, authoritative, and adventurous — whether you are the host at a dinner or a guest dining out with food and wine lovers.
Six Ways to Drink Better for Less
We are all looking for good values when it comes to spending our hard-earned dollars. Here are six strategies to help you find delicious wines without emptying out your wallet. All it takes is a willingness to experiment with new grape varieties, emerging wine areas, second labels, and satellite areas.
Customized Event; Promote Your Theme, Product or Service
Discuss the theme of your meeting with Christine so that she can build a wine tasting around it by selecting wines whose attributes mirror your product features or corporate mission.